Trevor Loudon: An Urgent Message for America

October 22, 2012

Agenda 21, Politics/National Debt

Trevor Loudon was the first blogger who graciously accepted and published my articles on his site.  I have met him several times as he has come to America on speaking tours, explaining the results of his nearly quarter of a century research on the Communist Party and its infiltration across the world and particularly in the United States.

I asked him a month ago when he was visiting Tampa what he thought our government was preparing to do with the billions of rounds of ammunition that it had been purchasing.  He flat out said that they were planning on using it on the American people.  The only thing that is keeping Russia and the Communist party from taking over the world is the American military.  President Obama is on a mission to reduce the size and power of our military, so that Russia and the Communists can accomplish global governance.  The radical Islamic movement is working with the communists.  In fact many leading Islamists were educated in communist Russia, and are working with them much like they did with Adolph Hitler.

He writes: I recorded this video a couple of weeks ago. It is my message to America. In it, I attempt to explain the global implications of the upcoming US elections.

This election is the most crucial in modern American history. It is not primarily about jobs and economics, it is about national security and, to be blunt, national survival.

America, and indeed the entire Western World, faces destruction if communist sympathizer Barack Obama is returned to office.

This video is being distributed all over the United States.  Please watch it, and if you agree with the basic ideas expressed, send it out through your networks, to as many people as you can, conservative, liberal, undecided, it doesn’t matter.

Sometimes it takes an outside view to clarify important matters. I hope this message will serve that purpose.

From a very grateful New Zealander.

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About laura997

Ordinary citizen concerned with the direction our country is headed.

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